Sunday, April 3, 2011

Here's how this works...

I steadily produce a variety of words and phrases with the function of either:

1) renaming existing words and phrases
2) merging multiple words from the same phrase into one time-saving super-word, or
3) creating a new entry to go along with an entirely new definition in what is now called the gigtionary

  • Here is an example of 1)

This word is great because it makes a mental condition (psychosomatic) sound like a futuristic military weapon
ex. "fire the psychoplasmatron!"

  • Here is an example that incorporates properties from principles 2) and 3)

This word is not approved by one of my biggest haters. The controversy makes it that much of a better word. Take a girl who is especially mugly (a much better word than the pretentious "fugly," as it incorporates the act of making a sourpuss face, or "mug" while simultaneously being ugly) and give her a ruthless, manipulative personality that is indicative of a totalitarian. Voila! You have yourself a mugilatarian

WARNING: Before elongated use of my words, please be advised that the internet exists, and as such, some of my productions may have been thought of and/or has already been published online. A good example occurred last week when I thought of the brilliant phrase "Russian Toilette" to refer to a situation when you have to do a twozie, but risk the potential lack of toilet paper available to cover your ass (literally). Later on, I checked Urban Dictionary and the phrase already existed.